Another stunning review for Rise of the Wolf

It’s always nerve-wracking when a Robin Hood scholar reads one of my books. They know the legend inside out and have their own ideas of how it should be treated.

So I was very happy to read this quite fantastic review of my new book on Goodreads. Take a look and get ready for publication this Friday!  #RiseOfTheWolf

“McKay’s straight-forward style is consistent and well-suited to his story, but I also observed that there was considerable growth in the scope of his writing with this one.”

Click HERE to read the full review.

2 thoughts on “Another stunning review for Rise of the Wolf

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  1. Well done Steven, that’s a hell of a testimonial from one so steeped in the myth Robin Hood! I can’t wait for Friday, it’s seemed like an age since I closed the last page of The Wolf and The Raven on my Kindle. The Knight of the Cross and ‘The Escape’ kept me going (excellent short story, with a nice twist and the end)…..but this is the gig one! Thanks, Neil


    1. Cheers Neil! Yep, that guy really loves his Robin stuff so I’m really happy that he’s liked my books so much. I hope you enjoy Rise of the Wolf on Friday and thanks for your support!


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